Entirely boring stuff where Sandra tries to decide what online journal site to use

Friday, Sept. 05, 2003 - 1:01 a.m.

So, earlier tonight, I was going to write the "goodbye, Diaryland, hello, Livejournal" entry. I had decided this because the Livejournal commenting system was the most stable, feature-filled, free one out there (DLand kept screwing up, as does enetation, which I'm currently using, and which is what I would use should I move to Diary-X), and I didn't want Sid comment-striking any more entries, or having things be difficult for myself or any commenters, but then I thought about it, and maybe I don't want to change to LJ, because, even though I almost never check my stats counter, if I were to move over, I'd definitely be curious to know how many people check the Livejournal versus the Diaryland, and I don't think there's anyway to do a stats counter on Livejournal, since there's no page to actually just STICK a counter on--there's only entries, and Livejournal makes your page, and Livejournal, as far as I can tell, doesn't have any stats counter option.

And then, the Diary-X substitutions feature is just DAMNED cool. I can think of a million and one uses for it already.

But Diary-X is pretty new compared to LJ, LJ is probably going to be a lot less buggy, is worked on by a lot more people, everyone can see the source and help out, and what not.

But, I hate the blog format, and LJ is pretty bloggy.

I hate the blog format, btw, because I tend to write long entries, and to want to do weird formatting and things in my entries sometimes. All of this befits the single-page online journal format better than the blog format, which is best for people who write in shorter bites than I do. Believe it or not, sometimes, I plan each page to get a certain "look"--and if all my entries are on one page, I can't get that, now can I?

Anyway, I believe I'll get more readers on LJ than on either Diary-X or Diaryland, though I'm not sure. But that's not even supposed to matter to me, compared to the integrity of maintaining the single-page format. However, stability and multiplicity of features is definitely something non-shallow enough for me to consider as a factor. In which case, Diaryland should definitely be dumped (for the lack of features, or at least, features useful to me) in favor of Diary-X or Livejournal.

So--Diary-X: one-page format, possibly more buggy, less features--but has cool substitutions thing

LiveJournal: blog format, less muggy, more features--but not a cool substitutions thing

I've considered keeping two, but I think that's just confusing for both readers and me. I mean, technically, I do have an account of each of those, but they're not my SITE sites, the way this site is, you know?

Anyway, all this is akin to telling someone on the first date how you tried on three outfits before you decided on this one but there's a stain over here, so don't look, and how you were having a bad hair day and then had a little accident with the heat curler stick getting stuck up your nose. It's gross and annoying. No one cares to hear this, which is why I'm writing it, I suppose.

Webhost: Diaryland