Me 'n Me Class Ring

Friday, Mar. 15, 2002 - 11:10 a.m.

I have worn my class ring continuously, never taking it off, for the past three years, or more. I even wrote an entry about it long long's not on Diaryland though, and it's super boring, but anyway.

Today, I was washing my hands, and I took off my other ring, the one with the S on it, and then I decide to see if I could try taking my class ring off too--and it worked! It just came off. Well, with some effort--I had to twist it pretty hard, and my finger is all red and the skin all bruised where I had worn the ring all this time. But anyway, it came off.

I put it on my desk and wondered what was to become of it. Oh well. So for the first time ever, I went to face a day in college without my high school class ring.

Nothing much interesting happened. It was quite--well, it didn't really have much effect. It was an exciting day, and a different day, but only in that every day, for me, is an exciting day, and a different day. Beyond that, being without my good luck charm really didn't bring me any luck at all, good or bad.


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