Proud thing of the day

2001-05-18 - 4:12 a.m.

Guess what? Wow! I got an A in my psych 322 class. You know, the one I was saying I deserved a B in, in my other journal entry? I don't believe it. I really don't believe it. Holy cow, I don't believe it. Wow. I got an A. No way, she had to have written it wrong. I dunno, I just got the letter today, I came home tonight after going to Hawaiian Brian's and Fun Factory Kuhio/Waikiki and dinner and what not, and I found the letter.

Our prof said if we wanted our exams mailed to us, she could do that. So I just got my final exam back, as well as my final grade. Oh my god! Wow! I kicked ASS on my final! I got every single thing right on that freaking long test, the only thing I got off was one little point for something on one of the essays....and in the cover letter accompanying the exams, she put our final grades, and it seems I got an A! Yeah!

I was so not expecting one in that class, but I got it! I don't believe it. Well, I guess I do, because I studied for the final, and studying for anything is something I've not done in a while, but I didn't FINISH studying, you know? I crammed. But I studied. Hm. I don't know. I was studying what I think deserves a B range kind of studying. But gosh! I guess this is a note from God saying, "look, dude, work a little harder, you don't have to kill yourself, you're purdy smart and what not, so pleeeaaaase just do SOMETHING other than sit around and be lazy, okay, Sandra? I give you this little reward as motivation. Please. Take it. Make good use of it!"

But anyway, so this is my first A in a long, long time. Well, not that long, but my first A since my plunge from my entire first year GPA of 4.0 to like...0.0 or something now. So Ross! That's my proud thing for the day! (And yeah, we're still doing that, 'kay?)

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