Mom's Birthday Present

Sunday, Aug. 31, 2003 - 3:10 a.m.

Well. I just finished with my mom's birthday present. I feel a mite. . . *looks at present on desk* uh. . . ashamed. Charles is sitting over there. He's probably thinking, Sandra's regressing back to kindergarten. Because that's exactly what the mess of construction paper and paint sitting next to me looks like.

I haven't done the whole homemade present thing since I made her a beaded dragonfly pin in middle school. And even THAT looked better than this.

Actually, I didn't make the present. I bought it for three bucks at Foodland. I just made the wrapping and the card. Yes, I'm going cheap this year. I'm scared as hell I won't be able to make my September and October rent, since my first paycheck comes on . . . October 10!

Anyway, I suppose homemade things ARE a little sweeter. Maybe.

Man, it looks like I failed kindergarten art. Ew.

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