Lost entry make me sad

Friday, Dec. 28, 2001 - 11:58 p.m.

Quite mad, am I. I had a delightfully detailed entry going, and then my computer had to crash on me. Bah humbug.

I will now indulge in my passion for lists....

List of Topics I Remember Talking About in My Lost Entry
  • David's Birthday was on the 26th
  • Forgot to say Happy Birthday when he came over to buy Bud, remembering as I was going to sleep that night, calling him up in the middle of the night to say Happy Birthday
  • Selling Bud to David, being all sad and emotional about losing Bud, though it's for a good cause, I suppose--he's trying to practice networking with Linux
  • Feeling sick, dizzy, and as though I might throw up
  • Everyone calling me at work today, carrying around my cell phone even though I'm not supposed to at work and answering it--oh well, other people do too...Sid called to ask what was going on w/ David's birthday thing today, Grant to ask if I was going to David's birthday thing, Ross called to see if I was going to the job fair thing, Mom called, but then she's always calling me, at work and otherwise, and Jesse calling . . . I dunno, just 'cause he was bored, I suppose. Anyway, I tell people I'm at work so I can't talk, but still. Yeah.
  • Me being ultra sad 'cause I've not seen Ross all break and he finally dropped by Dunkin' for the first time, but I was busy with a customer and didn't get to talk to him before he had to go. Waaaah...I was gonna cry right then and there.
  • Being sad that I couldn't go to anything because I had to work.
  • It's the first anniversary of my Diaryland account. Not exactly of my webjournal, since I started it before I started on Diaryland though.
  • Am I old-school D-lander now? No, b/c no matter how many years I gain, the original old-school D-landers will still have more years on me, gosh darn it.
Hm, I guess it sounds like I'm sad, doesn't it. I'm not, really. I'm very happy, right now, as always. I dunno, today was fun. Eventful. All eventful days I enjoy. I had fun at work, even though it made me dizzy and gave me a headache. It was just me for an hour, because Tiffany called in sick, and Alexis had to leave when she had to leave, but that was all right. It was fun anyhow, and this one young woman I just finished serving told me, "Wow, you guys have really great customer service, you just don't get that anymore." And I think she gave me a penny tip, but I'm not sure...I forgot. I did get a lot of tip today though, I don't know why, I normally never do.

Well, not like I keep the tip--we put it in the tip jar, no one ever takes from the tip jar--there's not enough there anyway, we just leave it for people to take pennies out of when they need change, or whatever. And we're not really supposed to be getting tip, so the tip jar is kept under the counter, we only put stuff in it when people specifically ask to give us tip.

Anyway, I'm scared of losing this entry again, so I'll save it now. Bye bye.

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